Scotland goes live with a deposit return scheme on drinks containers in 2022, and the rest of the UK consulting to follow in 2024. Here's how it works and what it means for Consumers, Producers and Retailers.
*Demonstrates the most likely structure of the Scotland scheme. Producers are not obliged to use a scheme administrator to act on their behalf, but could put schemes in place to collect their own containers.
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The Scottish Parliament has already approved legislation for a Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland which is set to go live in July 2022. The rest of the UK is under consultation, but no legislation has yet been introduced. It is anticipated to be live in 2023, and may differ from Scotland.
The Scottish law definition of a producer is: "in the case of a scheme article branded in the United Kingdom, the brand owner, in the case of a scheme article branded by a brand owner outside the United Kingdom, the importer." So effectively, if you introduce products into the Scottish market, it must carry a deposit.
The Scottish law definition of a retailer: " For the purposes of these Regulations, a “retailer” is a person who markets, offers for sale or sells a scheme article to a consumer in Scotland " . In essence if you sell a product in Scotland you are obliged to take it back (with some exceptions).
The Scottish legislation also has provisions for internet sale into Scotland
More information for producers, importers, retailer and hospitality venues is below.
A producer MUST*:
In the Scottish scheme, the producer(s) may appoint a scheme administrator to act on their behalf. This administrator would be expected to be a not for profit, and whilst the law allows for any number of scheme administrators it seems likely that the drinks industry will coalesce around relatively few to increase efficiency and keep costs down.
For more detail on the scheme already approved for Scotland, please follow this link:
*Scottish deposit return scheme. rUK scheme not yet finalised.
A retailer MUST*:
For more detail on the scheme already approved for Scotland, please follow this link:
*Scottish deposit return scheme. rUK scheme not yet finalised.
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